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The Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce Presents: The Emerald City Awards Gala

The PCF served as the title sponsor of the 2023 Emerald City Awards Gala, put on by The Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce. The ‘DBCC’ is an advocate for the creation, growth and the general welfare of Black owned businesses and other organizations in North Texas. The annual Gala directly supports educational programs, scholarships, and mentoring initiatives that empower the next generation of leaders. Entrepreneurs, professionals, and philanthropists were all in attendance for this stellar event, along with Grammy nominated recording artist and Eric Benet. Roland Parrish presented Harrison Blair, President & CEO of the ‘DBCC’ with a donation at the celebration. “We support them because they are an advocate for Black Business, and Non-Profits…” said Parrish during the ceremony. The ‘DBCC’ actively promotes the expansion of business opportunities through referrals, partnerships, seminars, technical assistance, and marketing. In the conversation of oldest black chamber of commerce, the DBCC legacy is signed sealed and delivered. It is the most seasoned, and most senior of its kind in the United States.

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